Gratis Style Dangdut Yamaha Psr S950
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450 Preset Styles
The PSR-S970 has 450 Styles, including 10 all-new DJ styles, 366 Pro, 31 Session, 3 Free Play and 40 Audio Styles. The more junior PSR-S770 has 360 styles (320 Pro, 27 Session, 10 DJ, a Free Play and none of the new audio styles).
Here's what Yamaha says about the S970 styles:
DJ Styles are a new live performance concept, featuring a collection of chord progressions that eliminate the need for continuous chord changes with the left hand. Now you've got both hands free to play melody lines, use theLive Controllers, or even trigger additional external audio with the Multi Pads to add a unique flair to your performance.
Bring your performances to life with Audio Styles, featuring high quality percussion ensembles and drums, all recorded by world-class musicians in studios around the globe. Audio Styles add natural feel and warmth to any rhythm track for greater expressive potential than ever before.
Voice & Style Expansion Packs enable you to customize the PSR-S970 with a wide range of additional content from all over the world. When loaded into the keyboard, you can instantly access authentic new sounds, rhythms and backing in the musical style of your choice.
The table below lists all of the styles in the PSR-S970 and PSR-S770. Styles marked with a (C) are available in both the S970 and S770. The 90 styles exclusive to the S970 are marked with an (A) and shown in blue font. Some styles appear only in the S770 and they are marked with a (B) and a red font. The cateogy titles indicate the total number of styles in the S970 (and the S770) for that category.
BALLAD - 45 (29) Styles | ||
12-8Ballad (C) 16BeatBallad (C) 6-8BalladRock (A) 6-8Modern (C) 6-8Orchestral (C) 6-8SlowRock (C) 70sChartBallad (A) 70sGlamPiano (C) 80sAnalogBallad (A) 80sBoyBand (C) 80sEPBallad (C) 80sSmoothBallad (C) 8BeatBallad1 (C) 8BeatBallad2 (C) 90sCoolBallad (C) | Acoustic8BtBld (A) AnalogBallad (A) AngelSun (A) Chillout1 (C) Chillout2 (C) ChilloutCafe (A) ChillPerformer (A) ContempGtrPop (A) ContempPopBld (C) CoudyBay (A) Easy8Beat (A) EasyBallad (C) EPBallad (C) EpicBallad (C) GuitarSerenade (C) | IndustrialChill (A) LoveSong (C) Modern16BtBld (C) ModernPopBld (C) NewR&BBallad (C) NightWalk (A) OrganBallad (C) PianoBallad (C) Play4Sofa (A) PopGtrBallad (A) PopWaltz (C) PowerBallad (C) R&BSlowBallad (A) R&BSoulBallad (C) SoulR&B (C) |
BALLROOM - 18 (18) Styles | ||
9-8Waltz (C) ChaChaCha (C) EnglishWaltz (C) Foxtrot (C) Jive (C) OrganChaCha (C) | OrganQuickstep (C) OrganRumba (C) OrganSamba (C) OrganSwing (C) Pasodoble (C) Quickstep (C) | Rumba (C) Samba (C) Slowfox (C) Swingfox (C) Tango (C) VienneseWaltz (C) |
COUNTRY - 29 (26) Styles | ||
70sChartCntry (C) 70sCountryPop (C) Bluegrass (C) CntrySing-along (C) Country2-4 (C) Country8Beat (C) CountryBallad (C) CountryBeat (A) CountryBlues (A) CountryBrothers (C) | CountryHits (C) CountryPop (C) CountryRock (C) CountryRockBld (C) CountryShuffle (C) CountryStrum (C) CountrySwing (C) CountryTwoStep (C) CountryWaltz (C) EasyCountry (C) | FingerPickin' (C) FolkPop (C) Hoedown (C) ModBluegrass (C) ModCountryBld1 (C) ModCountryBld2 (C) ModernCntryPop (C) ModernPickin' (A) NewCountry (C) |
DANCE - 64 (48) Styles | ||
6-8Trance (C) 70sDisco1 (C) 70sDisco2 (C) 70sDiscoFunk (C) 80sDisco (C) 80sSynthDisco (C) 90sDisco (C) BigRoom (A) ChartPop (B) ChartPop1 (A) ChartR&B (C) ClassicHipHop (C) ClubBeat (C) Clubdance1 (C) Clubdance2 (C) ClubDJHouse (C) ClubHouse (C) ClubMixDJ (A) Dancefloor (A) Dancehall (C) DiscoHouse (C) | DiscoPhilly (C) DiscoTeens (C) DreamDance (C) Dubstep (C) ElecCity (A) ElectricHouse (C) Electronica (C) ElectroStep (C) EuroDance (C) EuroTrance (C) FrenchClubHouse (C) FrenchDJ (A) FunkDisco (C) FunkyHouse (C) GangsterHouse (C) Garage (C) GlobalDJ's (C) GrimeHouse (C) Groundbeat (C) HardStep (A) Ibiza2010 (C) | MellowHipHop (C) MiamiHouse (C) MinimalElectro (A) ModChartPop (C) ModernHipHop (C) NatureHipHop (A) NewHipHop (C) NewR&B (C) PercussiveTrance (A) PianoHouse (C) PopR&B (C) ProgressiveHouse (C) R&BElectro (A) ReggaetonDJ (A) RetroClub (A) RetroPop (C) SynthPop (C) TrancePop (C) TripHop1 (C) USChartHit (A) USHipHop (C) |
ENTERTAINER - 48 (34) Styles | ||
70sFrenchHit (C) 8BeatAdria (C) AlpBallad1 (C) AlpBallad2 (C) AlpenSchlager (A) ApresSkiHit (A) BreathlessHit (C) ChartFox (A) DiscoFox (C) DiscoFoxRock (C) DiscoHands (C) EuroPopOrgan (C) Evergreen (A) GermanRock (C) HelloShuffle (A) MallorcaDisco (A) | MallorcaParty (C) ModernSchlager (A) PartyArena (A) PartyPolka (C) PartyRock (C) PolkaPop (C) PubPiano (C) ScandBugg (C) ScandCountry1 (C) ScandCountry2 (C) ScandShuffle (C) ScandSlowRock (C) Schlager6-8 (C) SchlagerAlp (C) SchlagerBeat (C) SchlagerFever (A) | SchlagerFox (C) SchlagerItalia (C) SchlagerPalace (A) SchlagerPolka (C) SchlagerPop (C) SchlagerRock (C) SchlagerRumba (C) SchlagerSamba (C) SchlagerShuffle (C) SchlagerWaltz (C) SoftSchlager (A) StandardPop (C) SwissCharts (A) Tijuana (C) YoungBallad (A) YoungFox (A) |
LATIN - 40 (34) Styles | ||
Axe (C) Bachata (C) Batucada (A) Beguine (C) BoleroLento (C) Bomba (C) BossaNova (C) BrazilianBossa (A) BrazilianSamba (C) Calypso (C) CoolBossa (A) CubanChaCha (A) CubanSon (C) Cumbia (C) | Danzon (C) FastBossa (B) Forro (C) Guajira (C) GuitarRumba (C) HappyReggae (C) Joropo (C) LatinDisco (C) LatinPartyPop (C) Merengue (C) OrchestralBossa (C) OrganBossa (C) Parranda (C) PopBossa (C) | PopLatin (C) PopLatinBallad (C) Reggaeton (C) RockChaCha (C) RumbaFlamenco (A) RumbaFlamencos (C) RumbaIsland (C) Salsa (C) SalsaGranCiclon (A) SambaReggae (C) SheriffReggae (C) SlowBossa (C) TangoFlamenco (A) |
MOVIE&SHOW - 32 (27) Styles | ||
70sTVTheme (C) AniFantasy (C) AnimationBallad (C) BaroqueAir (C) Blockbuster (C) BroadwayBallad (C) ChristmasShuffle (C) ChristmasSwing (C) ChristmasWaltz (C) ClassicPianoBld (C) EtherealMovie (C) | EtherealVoices (A) French50s (C) GreenFantasia (C) Moonlight6-8 (C) MovieBallad (C) MovieDisco (C) MoviePanther (A) MovieSoundtrack (C) MovieSwing (B) MovieSwing1 (A) MovieSwing2 (A) | OnBroadway (A) OrchestralBolero (C) OrchestralMarch (C) PopClassics (C) RomanticBallet (A) SaturdayNight (C) Sci-fiMarch (C) SecretService (C) Showtune (C) TapDanceSwing (C) WildWest (C) |
POP&ROCK - 49 (36) Styles | ||
16BeatRock (A) 6-8Rock (A) 60s8Beat (C) 60sBigHit (A) 60sGuitarPop (C) 60sPianoPop (A) 60sPopRock (C) 60sRisingPop (A) 60sSuperGroup (A) 60sVintagePop (C) 60sVintageRock (B) 70s8Beat (C) 70sRockShuffle (A) 80sGuitarPop (C) 80sPop (C) 80sPopRock (C) 80sPowerRock (C) | 90sSynthRock (A) 8BeatModern (C) 90sGuitarPop (C) 90sRockBallad (C) AcousticRock (C) BritPop (C) BritPopSwing (C) BritRockPop (C) BubblegumPop (C) CanadianRock (A) ChartGuitarPop (C) ChartPianoShfl (C) ChartRockShfl (C) Classic8Beat (C) ContempRock (C) ContempRockBld (A) Cool8Beat (C) | FunkPopRock (C) HardRock (C) JazzPop (C) KoolShuffle (C) Live8Beat (C) OrchRockBallad (A) PowerRock (C) RetroSoul (A) RockShuffle (C) RockShuffleFast (A) ScandPopShuffle (A) StandardRock (C) Unplugged (C) Uptempo8Beat (C) VintageGtrPop (C) WestCoastPop (C) |
R&B - 36 (33) Styles | ||
6-8Soul (C) 60sRock&Roll (C) 70sChartSoul (C) BlueberryBlues (C) BluesRock (C) DetroitBeat (A) DetroitPop1 (C) DetroitPop2 (C) FranklySoul (C) FunkPop (A) FunkyShuffle (A) GospelBrothers (C) | GospelSisters (C) GospelSwing (C) JazzFunk (C) KoolFunk (C) LiveSoulBand (C) LovelyShuffle (C) ModernShuffle (C) MotorCity (C) OldiesR&R (C) PianoBoogie (C) Rock&Roll1 (C) Rock&Roll2 (C) | Rock&RollShfl (C) ShuffleBlues (C) Skiffle (C) SlowBlues (C) Soul (C) SoulBrothers (C) SouthernGospel (C) Twist (C) Worship6-8 (C) WorshipFast (C) WorshipMed (C) WorshipSlow (C) |
SWING&JAZZ - 37 (30) Styles | ||
AcousticJazz (C) AfroCuban (C) Bebop (A) BigBandFast1 (C) BigBandFast2 (C) BigBandSwing (A) Charleston (C) ClassicBigBand (C) CoolJazzBallad (C) CoolJazzWaltz (A) CoolPianoJazz (A) CoolSwing (A) Dixieland (C) | DreamyBallad (C) EasyListening (C) FastJazz (A) Five-Four (C) FrenchJazz (C) InstrumentalJazz (C) JazzClub (A) JazzGuitarClub (C) JazzWaltzFast (C) JazzWaltzMed (C) JumpJive (C) MidnightSwing (C) ModBigBandBld (C) | ModBigBandShfl (C) ModernBigBand (C) ModernJazzBld (C) MoonlightBallad (C) MORSwing (C) OrchBigBand1 (C) OrchBigBand2 (C) OrchestraSwing1 (C) OrchestraSwing2 (C) OrganGroove (C) Ragtime (C) |
WORLD - 52 (45) Styles | ||
6-8March (C) ArabicEuro (C) Bhajan (C) Bhangra (C) BohemianWaltz (C) Duranguense (C) Flamenco (C) FrenchMusette (C) FrenchWaltz (C) GermanMarch (C) GermanWaltz (C) Grupera (C) Hawaiian (A) HighlandWaltz (C) HullyGully (C) IrishDance (C) IrishHymn (B) IrishHymn1 (A) | IrishHymn2 (A) ItalianMazurka (C) ItalianPolka (C) ItalianWaltz (C) Jig (C) Jing Ju Jie Zou (C) Keroncong (C) Laff (C) MalfufFunk (A) MariachiWaltz (C) ModCeltic4-4 (A) ModCeltic6-8 (A) ModernDangdut1 (C) ModernDangdut2 (C) Norteno (C) OberPolka (C) OberWalzer (C) OrientalPop (C) | PopFlamenco (C) Reel (C) Saeidy (C) SaeidyPop (A) ScandWaltz (C) ScottishPolka (C) Sirtaki (C) SpanishPaso (C) Tarantella (C) TurkishEuro1 (C) TurkishEuro2 (C) USMarch (C) USMarchingBand (A) WehdaSaghira (C) Xi Qing Luo Gu (C) ZitherPolka (C) Zouk (C) |
Onacimus' Styles for the PSR-S970/975
All New Generation Keyboard Styles
(18 April 2020) I have started another collection of styles for PSR-S970 and PSR-S975. This may also be useful for PSR-SX700 users. This new collection includes all the Styles of GENOS, PSR-SX900 and CVP-809. There are a lot of new styles here. Many old styles are programmed with new voices and new drum kits. Some old styles are given different names. This collection of styles are mostly revoiced and remaped. Preferably, I selected mostly PSR-SX900 styles. Because these styles have less risk of new Mega Guitars and Basses of GENOS and CVP-809. But they use new drums and other new voices. I also applied DSP effects to Electric Guitars like top model styles. Then, I added other new styles of GENOS and CVP-809.
Pianist Styles of CVP-809 are same as previous CVP styles. Some names are slightly different. The track voices are revoiced with extraordinary Piano voice given as Styles voice in PSR-S970 and S975. The voice is 'S.Art!ConcertGrand' with parameters 108-000-001. This only voice can also be extracted. This voice has .nlv extension. I am sending this voice ( ConcertGrand.t228.nlv ). Please save this in User Area.
I have prepared an Excel list with the source of styles and detailed comments.
(3 August 2020) I have updated the All New Generation Keyboard Styles for PSR-970 & S975 by adding converted GENOS V.2 Superior Pack Styles. Updated categories are in the table below.
01-Pop&Rock 113 styles | 02-Ballad 85 styles | 03-Dance 70 styles | 04-Swing&Jazz 61 styles |
05-R&B 74 styles | 06-Country 59 styles | 07-Latin 63 styles | 08-Ballroom 38 styles |
09-Movie&Show 70 styles | 10-Entertainer 81 styles | 11-World 66 styles | 12-Pianist 35 styles |
13-DJ Styles 10 styles | Excel File |
Christmas Styles Collection
(Dec 2016) I have created Christmas style collection for PSR S970 drawing from the Standard, Super Mega, Super Mega Plus and Special collections for S970, which are available below. These styles may also compatible to T4, T5, C6, & C7 keyboards. In the Christmas Style set there are lot of Christmas Styles. Though there are some other styles from other categories as well: ClassicMoon6-8 & Moonlight6-8 for 'O! Holy Night', MOR Swing & TapdanceSwing for Swing type songs ('Rudolph the Red-nosed Raindeer'), MORWaltz for 'Silent Night'. There are 91 styles available in this file. The sources for all the files are available in this Microsoft Excel file. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
-- Onacimus
Standard Styles Collection
Note: all of the changes/updates described below are in the Standard Styles table below.
(Feb 2016) I have now completed a Standard Styles collection for the new PSR-S970 with a total of 980 styles. The 'Standard Styles' collection includes styles from nine keyboards: PSR-9000 and 9000Pro, PSR-740 floppy, PSR-2000, PSR-2100, PSR-1500, PSR-550, and CVP-209 and CVP210. For this Collection, I picked styles from PSR-S910 Standard collection, added some more styles, and did slight voice editing.
I retained the Icons of styles as given in the Original keyboard (styles after 2k models). For unknown icons (9k & S550 styles have no icons), I applied icons similar to other styles of the same type. In Style icons, some icons are in the icon list of S970. Some icons are appearing but not in the list. I changed many style icons. Most of the icons are not in the icon list of the S970. For example, the 'Pro' icon in '8Beat3' of POP&ROCK is not in the icon list. I viewed in Michael's Midi Player where there is a section for icons. For 'Pro' icon, we should change the four character code between Style name and extension (8Beat3[Style name], .T108[Icon character] & .prs[Style type extension]). Using this procedure, I changed many icons.
In many styles, I retained 'Standard Kit 1 & 2' because these are given as Live! kitsIn some Dance styles, I revoiced some Dance Kit to the House Kit of S970 and remaped the drums according to the sound of Old Dance Kit (9K, 2K, C2 & 15). I changed many Dance styles in the Dance category by changing DanceKit to HouseKit. I remaped the drum notes to hear the original sound of the Old DanceKit (PSR-740, 9000, 9000PRO, 2000, 2100, 1500, CVP-209 & 210). Here only PSR-S550 uses the new DanceKit (TYROS, PSR-3000..)
I updated many styles in each category by changing new voices of S970 in style tracks as well as OTS (Live!ConcertGrand, Sweet!OrchFlute, Cool!VintageFlatBass, etc..) and by replacing the old voices. I did this voice change in new styles of duplication (JazzRock1 and JazzRock2 of Pop&Rock are the same. 1 is from 9k, 2 is from 2k. Here Drum setup is different but the acomp are same. I changed the new voice only in 2k style).
(Jun 2016) I edited many styles that use DanceKit. Using the unique 'Drum Setup' in S970 style creator, I translated to 'AnalogT9Kit' and did Drum remaping, Leveling, Pitch Corase etc to resemble the old DanceKit voice (Before TYROS and PSR 3000).
(Aug 2016) I extended the S970 Standard collections by adding Oriental Styles from PSR-A1000. (YAMAHA released this PSR keyboard along with PSR-1000 & PSR-2000 during 2001). I added styles of 'Arabic' and 'Turkish&Greek' in additional 'Oriental' folder (this set can be useful only for S-series keyboards). I also added 3 styles in the World category, which has no risk of Oriental voices. These styles are SFF1 styles and have only Standard voices.
(May 2017) I extended the Standard Style collection by adding more PSR-740 styles. PSR-740 is the first PSR Keyboard to hold styles with 4 variations, 2 Intros (A & B) and 2 Endings (A & B). Most of the styles are unique. I transfered Intro C, and Ending C from the related PSR 8000 styles. I also added a Break from Fill BA of the PSR 8000. In the Excel file, I named these style as PSR-740Plus (7P). Already I have included some 740 Floppy Styles. Now these are also called as 7P. Here I skipped some styles that were the same in 9k and later.
The newly added styles include 15 styles added in Pop&rock, 18 styles in Ballad (19 in 3K), 10 styles in Dance, 6 styles in Swing&Jazz, 6 styles in R&B, 4 styles in Country, 9 Styles in Latin, 5 Styles in Ballroom, 2 styles in Entertainer (1 in 3K).
I also added five CVP 109 Styles: '8BeatBallad1' and 'PopBallad1' in Ballad, 'Groundbeat1' in Dance, 'SwingBallad' in Swing&Jazz, and 'PopSamba1' in Latin.
CVP 109 (1999) also holds 4 Variation styles released between PSR 8000 and PSR 740. Till now, there is no source to get those styles. I viewed the CVP 109 styles from the PDF data list. Most of the unique Styles are in PSR 740 and PSR 8000. Some styles are given in PSR 9000 and CVP 209. Some of the styles are given in different names. For example CVP 109 'SwingBallad' is given as same in PSR 8000, 'BigBandBallad' in PSR 740 and 'MillerBallad' in PSR 9000. I picked the above styles from 8K, reassembled, made as 4 Variation Styles and named them as CVP 109 Styles. So I think all the 1999 styles are included in Standard Collection.
(Jun 2017) I added some PSR-A1000 styles to Standard Style Collection for S-Series Keyboards. PSR-A1000 is the Oriental Keyboard released by YAMAHA Corporation during the year 2001 along with PSR-2000 and PSR-1000. This holds all PSR-1000 preset styles and additional Oriental Styles. I have included some styles that have no risk of Oriental voices and drumkits. Also I remaped some drum notes and made necessary voice changes. Here I included some selected styles in Dance and World categories. These are in SFF2 format.
I converted 4 styles from PSR-A1000 and 6 Ethnic Styles from PSR-S550 (2 Arabic [ArabicEuro & WehdaSaghira2], 2 Indian [Bhajan & Bhangra] and 2 Chinese [Jing Ju Joe Zon & Xi Qing Lou Gu] styles. For these, I converted the Ethnic kits to the basic ArabicKit, PopLatinKit and other common DrumKits and remaped the notes. In some styles I transferred R1 and R2 from other related styles as I did for Audio Styles. I included these styles in the World Category. So these can be played in TYROS Keyboards also without any risk of Ethnic voices and drumkits.
(Jul 2017) I added 33 more Arabic, Iranian, and Khaligi styles from A1000 to the World category and then another 24 Khaligi styles. Finally, I added another 10 Turkish & Greek styles and did some further adjustments in the World1 and World2 categories.
I split World Styles into 3 groups. I put all A1000 styles in World2 and World3. I added 'Laff' and 'Saeidy' of PSR-S550 to World1. Now, I added all A1000 styles without missing anything. Also, I made some voice changes in many World styles. I shifted 5 Oriental Styles (BandanDance, KarachiDance, LaffDance, SaeidyDance & TurkishDisco) from Dance Category to World2&3. I also shifted 'Cumbia1&2' from Latin to World1. /roland-versaworks-40-download.html.
(Oct 2017) I have updated the whole set of Oriental category by adding some more styles and editing many existing styles. There are totally 90 styles. XL file also updated.
01-Pop&Rock 115 styles | 02-Ballad 100 styles | 03-Dance 122 styles | 04-Swing&Jazz 112 styles |
05-R&B 106 styles | 06-Country 69 styles | 07-Latin 103 styles | 08-Ballroom 75 styles |
09-Movie&Show 50 styles | 10-Entertainer 52 styles | 11-World1 75 styles | 12-World2[OR] 66 styles |
13-World3[OR] 62 styles | 14-Pianist 71 styles | 15-FreePlay 10 styles | 16-Ethnic 9 styles |
17-Oriental 90 styles | Microsoft XL File |
Super Mega Styles
(Mar 2016) I have started working on a 'Super Mega Styles collection' for the PSR-S970. I picked these from the S910 collection and added few more styles. This collection includes all SFF1 Mega styles from Tyros1, Tyros2, CVP-309, CVP-409, PSR-3000, PSR-S900 and PSR-S700.
For this collection, I picked all Tyros1 styles as basic and added other styles if they were new and slightly different. I also did some slight revoicing. I put different icons for each style, mostly matching the original.
(June 2016) In building the SuperMega collection for the S950, I used the S970 collection and found that some styles had to be edited in almost every category and some added to World.
(Aug 2016) Like Standard collection, I have extended the Super Mega collections by adding Oriental Styles from PSR-OR700. (YAMAHA released this PSR keyboard along with PSR-S700 & S900 during 2007). I added all 'Arabic&Maghrebi' and 'Turkish&Greek' and some styles of 'Iranian' together in 'Oriental' folder (these set of styles can be useful only for S-series keyboards). I also transferred some styles in World category, which have no risk of Oriental voices. The Oriental Styles that I included have 'ArabicKit1' and 'ArabicMixKit', those are available in most of the S-series keyboards. These styles are SFF1 styles those have Mega voices. With these, I updated the XL files.
(Jun 2017) I have added some PSR-OR700 styles to Mega Style Collections. This is the second Oriental Keyboard released by YAMAHA Corporation during the year 2007 along with PSR-S900 and PSR-S700. The PSR-OR700 holds all PSR-S700 preset styles and additional Oriental Styles. It has more Oriental Styles than PSR-A1000. Specially the styles have Mega Voices to the level of S700. In this update, I included some styles from 'Arabic&Maghrebi' that have no risk of Oriental voices and drumkits. I also remapped some drum notes and made necessary voice changes. In some styles I transferred R1 and R2 from other related styles. The new styles, 4 in Dance and 19 in World are included in the table below.
(Aug 2017) I split the World Styles into 3 groups. I put all OR700 styles in World2 and World3. I added all OR700 styles (146 styles) without missing anything. I also made some voice changes in many World styles. I moved 8 Oriental Styles from Dance Category to World2&3. The XL file was also updated.
(Oct 2017) I have updated the whole set of Oriental category in Super Mega Collection by adding some more styles and editing many existing styles. There are totally 98 styles. XL file also updated.
01-Pop&Rock 120 styles | 02-Ballad 105 styles | 03-Dance 100 styles | 04-Swing&Jazz 90 styles |
05-R&B 120 styles | 06-Country 65 styles | 07-Latin 100 styles | 08-Ballroom 70 styles |
09-Movie&Show 75 styles | 10-Entertainer 65 styles | 11-World1 105 styles | 12-World2-OR 80 styles |
13-World3-OR 66 styles | 14-Pianist 35 styles | 15-Oriental 98 styles | Excel File |
Free Download Style Dangdut Sampling Yamaha Psr S950
Super Mega Plus Styles
(May 2016) I have completed the Super Mega Plus styles collection for the PSR-S970. To review the difference in these S970 collections:
- 'Standard' Collection means Styles having Many Extraordinary voices (Sweet, Cool & Live) except Mega voices in Tracks and OTS.
- 'Super Mega' means Super Articulation Voices in OTS and Mega Voices in Tracks
- 'Super Mega Plus' means all the previous but SFF2 styles.
Source keyboards include 1.S710, 2. S650, 3. S910, 4. TYROS3/CVP-509, 5. S950, 6. TYROS4/CVP-609, 7. TYROS5/CVP-709. Here S910=S750 and S950=S770. But there are some unique styles in new ones. Also some unique styles of S670 are added. S710 has no Mega Strings and Brass. S910 has no Mega SingleCoil, Jazz, Vintage Basses. S950/T3 has no Mega Finger, Vintage, Slap, Amp, Pick Guitars and Real & Classical Strings. S970 has all Mega voices mentioned above and related S.Art! and regular voices of TYROS4. But Mega Choir Voices and S.Art2 voices are not included. I faced some risks to convert some TYROS Styles with DSP effect (Rock type styles). I tried my level best to substitute the effects. I included the S970 Converted Audio styles. Dance styles iinclude new DJ styles. For using DJ styles in T4 and after or C6 and after, the extension (.scp) should be changed as .sty or .prs or .sst. Latin and Ballroom styles include some unique Brazil styles of S670.
Like Standard collection, and Super Mega collection, I have also extended both Super Mega Plus collections by adding Oriental Styles from PSR-A2000. (YAMAHA released this PSR keyboard between PSR-SX10&SX50 during 2011). I added all 'Arabic&Maghrebi' and 'Turkish&Greek' and some styles of 'Iranian' together in 'Oriental' folder (these set of styles can be useful only for S-series keyboards). I also transferred some styles in World category that have no risk of Oriental voices. The Oriental Styles that I included have 'ArabicKit1' and 'ArabicMixKit', those are available in most of the S-series keyboards. These styles are SFF2 styles, which have Mega voices in tracks and S.Art! Voices in OTS.
(Aug 2016) I have added styles from the PSR-A3000. Some of the Oriental Styles are given in World category. I added some in both World categories and others in the Ethnic category. I also updated some styles in the Oriental category. These changes are incorporated in the table below.
(Feb 2017) I started converting Choir tracks of T4, T5, C6 & C7 styles having Mega Choir voices. Editing Choir tracks are difficult because there are a lot of voice changes (MSB, LSB and Program Changes) and parameter changes (Control changes like Attack, Release, etc) in a single track. There may not be much difference on the edited choir tracks in TYROS models. T4 and T5 have a lot of Mega/SuperArticulation/Regular choir voices. PSR models have only Choir (legacy), GothicVox, UuhChoir, Gospelvoices, etc. But S970 has two new Choir voices (BoysChoirAah and BoysChoirOoh in SuperArticulation! and Live!). These voices cannot be replaced with the Mega Choir voices of the TYROS styles. Lot of note editions, velocity changes and parameter changes have to be done. So these styles will be useful for PSR owners.
I found there are three types of Mega Choir. 1. *aa, 2. *oo and 3. *ee. For *aa I replaced BoysAah, GhoticVox and Choir (Legacy). For *oo .. BoysOoh and UuhChoir. But for *ee, I put Aah and Ooh alternatively in previous updates. Now I changed HaaChoir (000-114-053) for *ee, it sounds different. With these changes I edited the 8 Swing&Jazz styles.
(Aug 2017) I made changes in World Styles. I combined all regular World Styles to World1&2. I also converted all A2000 Oriental Styles and new A3000 Oriental Styles and added these in World3 without any risk of New Oriental Voices and Drumkits. I also modified the Ethnic Category.
(Sep 2017) In PSR-A3000 some of the Oriental styles are given in World category. (5-8Greek, 7-8Greek, Baigo.) I have updated the existing styles and added the new ones by revoicing with new voices and Drumkits with the standard of S950. In these styles I remaped TurkishKit as Arabic New Kit. New World5-OR category introduced. All these changes are in the table below.
Conversion of the Oriental styles is now complete. Note: the 299 styles in the World OR sets below (22, 23, and 24) can also be played in the Tyros4 and the Tyros5.
(Oct 2017) I have updated the whole set of Oriental category in S970 Super Mega Plus Collection by adding some more styles from PSR-A3000 and editing many existing PSR-A2000 styles. I placed these styles in two folders. 80 styles in Oriental1 and 84 in Oriental2. These styles are usable only for S-Series keyboards. XL file also updated.
(Oct 2017) A number of Genos conversions added to 7 Categories: Swing&Jazz1 & 2, Country2, Latin1 & 2, Entertainer2, CVS.
(Jun 2018) Table updated to contain Genos conversions to date. I expanded the Super Mega Plus Collections by adding the new Plus styles of PSR-S975. I converted all the styles except some Oriental styles that were already included from the PSR-A3000. These styles are placed in Dance, Latin, Ballroom and Entertainer categories. I also added 2 GENOS Styles (R&BSoulBallad in Ballad and RetroDance in Dance) and 'CelticDance3-4' of CVP-709 in World1. I updated the ChartEDM and USClubDance2 styles in the Dance category. All of these changes are in the table below.
01-Pop&Rock1 128 styles | 02-Pop&Rock2 141 styles | 03-Ballad1 126 styles | 04-Ballad2 114 styles |
05-Dance1 115 styles | 06-Dance2 94 styles | 07-Dance3 93 styles | 08-Swing&Jazz1 106 styles |
09-Swing&Jazz2 86 styles | 10-R&B1 113 styles | 11-R&B2 110 styles | 12-Country1 69 styles |
13-Country2 77 styles | 14-Latin1 113 styles | 15-Latin2 117 styles | 16-Ballroom 122 styles |
17-Movie&Show1 89 styles | 18-Movie&Show2 88 styles | 19-Entertainer1 116 styles | 20-Entertainer2 75 styles |
21-World1 101 styles | 22-World2 98 styles | 23-World3-OR 108 styles | 24-World4-OR 96 styles |
25-World5-OR 95 styles | 26-Ethnic 23 styles | 27-Oriental1 80 styles | 28-Oriental2 84 styles |
Pianist 72 styles | Conv Audio 83 styles | Conv Vocal 142 styles | Excel File |
Genos Styles for PSR-S970

(Aug 2018) Onacimus' project to convert Genos styles converted 232 styles as of June 10. The voices were changed according to the availability of S970 Panel voices.
Starting in late August, Onacimus revised the new GENOS styles by editing the Drum notes by Drum Edit (Drum Setup) function of PSR-S970. He plans to convert the rest of the Genos styles. I have rearranged the GENOS styles as per TYROS categories with comments in an XL file.
01 Pop&Rock 70 styles | 02-Ballad 59 styles | 03-Dance 50 styles | 04-Swing&Jazz 45 styles |
05-R&B 49 styles | 06-Country 41 styles | 07-Latin 39 styles | 08-Ballroom 35 styles |
09-Movie&Show 43 styles | Entertainer 20 styles | World 9 styles |
Special Style Collection for S970
(May 2016) I have changed the name 'EX & EX Styles' to 'Special Style collection For PSR-S970'. I have updated all the styles and added many new styles in 11 categories. I have converted many Expansion styles. The interesting thing is, these styles can be played well without any expansion packs. I have remaped the new kits by using the drumkits available in S970. For example, in Entertainer styles, 'SchlagerKit' is translated to 'HouseKit' of S970 (See 'KaiserSchlager', 'KaiserShuffle, 'ModernSchlager1&2, 'SchlagerDiscoFox' and many others.)
These styles also can be used in TYROS3, 4, 5, CVP-509, 609, 709, S950 and S770. Some styles of Entertainer section need drum remaping in T3, C5 and S950. Because they have no 'HouseKit'. The voice selections are up to the standared of S770. There are more than 100 styles in World category so I used two folders. I added another category (Ethnic), which will sound well only in S-series keyboards. I added a lot of Oriental styles that uses 'TurkishKit' , 'PopLatinKit' and 'ArabicKit2' (Legacy) in World category. And styles having Oriental Voices (Nay, Er Hu, Di Zi,..) and Oriental Kits (Arabic1 and ArabicMix) in Ethnic category.
( Nov 2017) Many new or updated styles from 'Latin-Salsa' pack added to the Latin category and one added to Ballroom and Ethnic. All the updates are in the tabe below.
01-Pop&Rock 56 styles | 02-Ballad 42 styles | 03-Dance 74 styles | 04Swing&Jazz 22 styles |
05-R&B 55 styles | 06-Country 22 styles | 07-Latin 126 styles | 08-Ballroom40 styles |
09-Movie&Show 62 styles | 10-Entertainer 146 styles | 11-World1 115 styles | 12-World2 128 styles |
13-Ethnic 106 styles | MS Excel |
Indian Style Collection
(Feb 2016) I have assembled a collection of all YAMAHA Indian styles. They are from the Indian2, IndianDevotional, and IndianEntertainer Expansion packs for the PSR-S970. Additional styles are from the S950 Bonus styles of Indian2, S750 Pack and Bonus styles of Indian2, S650 pack and Bonus styles on Indian2 and some preset styles from S710 & S550. I brought together all these styles (95 styles) in one collection by eliminating duplicates. These styles will play well in S970 only if any one of the three Indian packs are installed. A Microsoft XL file is also available.
Onacimus Classic Styles for SFF2 Keyboards
Onacimus has converted styles from a number of 'Classic' Yamaha keyboards (PSR-730, PSR-740, PSR-8000, PSR-620 & PSR-510) for use on SFF2 keyboards like the PSR-S970. You will find many more style conversions by Onacimus for earlier keyboards that will also work very well on the S970. You can find these conversions on Onacimus' Covnersions page.
PSR-S970 Demos
- Martin Harris presentation of the S970/S770.
- Presentation of Key Features of the PSR-S670.
Yamaha S Series Arranger Workstation Keyboards Packed with Amazing Voices and Styles to Create, Arrange and Perform
NASHVILLE (July 9, 2015)– Yamaha Corporation of America today announced three new Arranger Workstation models packed with more advanced features and all-in-one performance capabilities than ever before. The PSR-S670, PSR-S770 and PSR-S970, which propel Yamaha's award-winning PSR-S Series to the next level, are being unveiled at the 2015 Summer NAMM Show.
All three new Arranger Workstation keyboards feature two assignable control knobs that offer unprecedented control over a number of Voice and Style characteristics, innovative DJ Styles that put the focus on real-time Style and Voice manipulation, a large onboard Flash ROM that affords use of Yamaha's ever-growing library of Voice and Style Expansions, and a number of advanced connectivity options that provide performance and recording possibilities previously only found on the acclaimed Yamaha TYROS5.
'Any of these new keyboards would be a truly powerful addition to any musician's arsenal, whether they are playing live, writing a song or producing music,' said Mark Anderson, director of marketing, Yamaha Keyboard Division, Yamaha Corporation of America. 'While the PSR-S670, PSR-S770 and PSR-S970 each offer unique features, they all are remarkably versatile, high-quality keyboards that are both powerful and portable, allowing you to create, arrange, record or perform music in any genre.'
The top of the PSR-S Series line, PSR-S970, offers a new, larger VGA screen, superior sound innovation, vocal harmony features, pro-quality accompaniment features and comprehensive recording capabilities. Musicians of all levels will be attracted to the forty new percussion-based Audio Styles that provide impressive backing and accompaniment capabilities previously only found on the higher-end TYROS5. Audio Styles add natural feel, ambience, and warmth to drum and percussion parts, allowing greater creative expression. Audio Styles also benefit from Yamaha's Time Stretch Technology, which commands the audio to follow your tempo without changing pitch, so everything stays in perfect sync.
Another attractive audio-centric feature on the PSR-S770 and PSR-S970 models is a powerful Vocal Cancel function that effectively cancels or suppresses the vocals and solos, allowing you to make your own 'minus one' track and sing karaoke-style with just instrumental backing.
Each new Arranger keyboard in the PSR-S Series also has an Audio Link Multi Pad function that lets you link your own audio files, such as sound effects and vocal phrases, and trigger them from the Multi Pads as you perform.
New iOS apps and an ever-expanding library of Voice & Style Expansion packs allow users to customize their music like never before. Featuring a 16-track sequencer, a variety of DSP effects and iOS app integration, the new Arranger Workstations are the most versatile and best sounding to date, solidifying Yamaha's PSR-S Series as the preferred choice of musicians around the globe.
The PSR-S970, PRS-S770 and PRS-670 (MSRP range: $999 to $2,499) will ship in September
408 Preset Styles
The PSR-S950 includes 350 Pro (prs), 32 Session (sst), 1 FreePlay, and 25 new 'Audio' styles for a total of 408 styles in 11 style categories. The more junior PSR-S750 has 295 Pro and 30 Session styles (and none of the new audio styles) for a total of 325 styles, 83 styles fewer than the S950.
Here's what Yamaha says about the S950 styles:
Playing a Style is like being the conductor of a band that always plays the chord and arrangement you tell them to play. The new PSR-S950 has a huge set of 408 built-in dynamic Styles. Yamaha Styles are created by the world's best programmers and mixed by professional studio engineers to ensure unparalleled quality.
Audio Styles
Audio Styles take one step further by adding an audio recording of studio drummers, percussionists and percussion ensembles playing in various recording studios from around the world. This adds the natural feel, ambience and warmth to the drum and percussion parts of the Style, giving your performance greater expressive potential. Yamaha Time Stretch Technology allows the audio to follow your tempo changes without changing pitch, so everything stays in perfect sync.
Guitar-Enhanced Styles with Mega Voices
Guitar-Enhanced Styles not only reproduce the sound of guitar playing, they reproduce the actual chord voicings used by guitar players. This adds to the overall realism of the Style.
The table below lists all of the styles in the PSR-S950 and PSR-S750 (the number in parentheses by each style category is the number of S750 styles). Styles highlighted by a blue font are not available in the S750. A bold blue font indicates one of the new 'audio' styles. There are a total of 98 styles in the S950 that are not available in the S750. Styles highlighted by a red font are in the S750, but not included in the S950. There are 15 such S750-unique styles. The numbers following the style name are the default tempo and the time signature.
BALLAD - 42 (31) Styles | ||
12-8Ballad 72 4/4 16BeatBallad1 60 4/4 16BeatBallad2 70 4/4 6-8Modern 64 4/4 6-8Orchestral 62 4/4 6-8SlowRock 73 4/4 70sChartBallad 72 4/4 70sGlamPiano 69 4/4 70sPopBallad 75 4/4 80sAnalogBallad 96 4/4 80sBoyBand 98 4/4 80sEPBallad 100 4/4 80sSmoothBld 87 4/4 8BeatBallad1 92 4/4 8BeatBallad2 100 4/4 | 90sCoolBallad 80 4/4 Acoustic8BtBld 76 4/4 AnalogBallad 76 4/4 AngelSun 70 4/4 Chillout1 80 4/4 Chillout2 88 4/4 ChilloutCafe 80 4/4 ChillPerformer 70 4/4 ContempPopBld 77 4/4 CoudyBay 112 4/4 EasyBallad 94 4/4 EPBallad 60 4/4 EpicBallad 75 4/4 GuitarBallad 94 4/4 GuitarSerenade 96 3/4 | IndustrialChill LoveSong 70 4/4 Modern16BtBld 60 4/4 ModernPopBld 60 4/4 NewR&BBallad 78 4/4 NightWalk 75 4/4 OrganBallad 72 4/4 PianoBallad 68 4/4 Play4Sofa 90 4/4 PopGtrBallad 81 4/4 PopWaltz 94 3/4 PowerBallad 60 4/4 R&BSlowBallad R&BSoulBallad 85 4/4 SoulR&B 60 4/4 |
BALLROOM - 18 (17) Styles | ||
9-8Waltz 100 3/4 ChaChaCha 128 4/4 EnglishWaltz 87 3/4 Foxtrot 180 4/4 Jive 180 4/4 OrganChaCha 132 4/4 | OrganQuickstep 200 4/4 OrganRumba 120 4/4 OrganSamba 120 4/4 OrganSwing 143 4/4 Pasodoble 122 4/4 Quickstep 195 4/4 | Rumba 108 4/4 Samba 110 4/4 Slowfox 116 4/4 Swingfox 192 4/4 Tango 132 4/4 VienneseWaltz 186 3/4 |
COUNTRY - 26 (22) Styles | ||
70sChartCntry 184 4/4 70sCountryPop 132 4/4 Bluegrass 140 4/4 CntrySing-along 160 4/4 Country2-4 105 4/4 Country8Beat 136 4/4 CountryBallad 72 4/4 CountryBrothers 112 4/4 CountryHits 178 4/4 | CountryPop 148 4/4 CountryRock 128 4/4 CountryRockBld 68 4/4 CountryShuffle 126 4/4 CountryStrum 168 4/4 CountrySwing 130 4/4 CountryTwoStep 126 4/4 CountryWaltz 140 3/4 EasyCountry 88 4/4 | FingerPickin 94 4/4 FolkPop 91 4/4 Hoedown 128 4/4 ModBluegrass 121 4/4 ModCountryBld1 64 4/4 ModCountryBld2 68 4/4 ModernCntryPop 68 4/4 NewCountry 118 4/4 |
DANCE - 50 (35) Styles | ||
6-8Trance 125 4/4 70sDisco1 114 4/4 70sDisco2 120 4/4 70sDiscoFunk 112 4/4 80sDisco 120 4/4 80sSynthDisco 112 4/4 90sDisco 125 4/4 CelticTrance 121 4/4 ChartPop1 104 4/4 ChartPop2 95 4/4 ChartR&B 113 4/4 ClassicHipHop 93 4/4 ClubBeat 128 4/4 Clubdance1 128 4/4 Clubdance2 123 4/4 ClubHouse 128 4/4 ClubMixDJ Dancefloor 126 4/4 Dancehall 106 4/4 | DiscoHouse 126 4/4 DiscoPhilly 100 4/4 DiscoTeens 128 4/4 DreamDance 132 4/4 Electronica 123 4/4 EuroHipHop 94 4/4 EuroTrance 144 4/4 FrenchDJ FrenchHouse 123 4/4 FunkDisco 108 4/4 FunkyHouse 125 4/4 Garage 130 4/4 GlobalDJ's 128 4/4 Groundbeat 94 4/4 HipHopGroove 92 4/4 House 128 4/4 Ibiza2002 135 4/4 Ibiza2004 130 4/4 Ibiza2010 125 4/4 | LatinDJs 127 4/4 MellowHipHop 88 4/4 MinimalElectro ModChartPop 115 4/4 ModernHipHop 111 4/4 NaturalHipHop NewHipHop 84 4/4 NewR&B 98 4/4 PercussiveTrance PopR&B 99 4/4 ReggaetonDJ RetroClub 126 4/4 RetroPop 128 4/4 SynthPop 118 4/4 TrancePop 135 4/4 TripHop 100 4/4 USChartHit 82 4/4 USHipHop 89 4/4 |
ENTERTAINER - 33 (29) Styles | ||
70sFrenchHit 85 4/4 8BeatAdria 100 4/4 AlpBallad1 63 4/4 AlpBallad2 55 4/4 AlpenSchlager 116 4/4 Carnival 116 4/4 DiscoFox 126 4/4 DiscoFoxRock 128 4/4 DiscoHands 122 4/4 EuroPopOrgan 145 4/4 GermanRock 185 4/4 MallorcaParty 138 4/4 | PartyPolka 106 4/4 PolkaPop 126 4/4 PubPiano 126 4/4 ScandBugg 154 4/4 ScandCountry1 156 4/4 ScandCountry2 85 4/4 ScandShuffle 111 4/4 ScandSlowRock 84 4/4 Schlager6-8 71 4/4 SchlagerAlp 122 4/4 SchlagerBeat 126 4/4 SchlagerFever 115 4/4 | SchlagerFox 120 4/4 SchlagerItalia 107 4/4 SchlagerPolka 127 4/4 SchlagerPop 125 4/4 SchlagerRock 129 4/4 SchlagerRumba 124 4/4 SchlagerSamba 124 4/4 SchlagerShuffle 121 4/4 SchlagerWaltz 178 6/4 Tijuana 200 4/4 |
LATIN - 40 (33) Styles | ||
Axe 128 4/4 Bachata 116 4/4 Batucada Beguine 113 4/4 BoleroLento 90 4/4 Bomba 99 4/4 BossaNova 120 4/4 BrazilianBossa BrazilianSamba 96 4/4 Calypso 112 4/4 CubanChaCha CubanSon 191 4/4 Cumbia 168 4/4 Danzon 112 4/4 | FastBossa 175 4/4 Forro 100 2/4 Guijira 118 4/4 GuitarRumba 166 4/4 HappyReggae 88 4/4 Joropo 220 3/4 LatinDisco 124 4/4 LatinPartyPop 109 4/4 Merengue 130 4/4 OrchestralBossa 140 4/4 OrganBossa 160 4/4 Parranda 144 4/4 PopBossa 133 4/4 PopLatin 103 4/4 | PopLatinBallad 95 4/4 PopMambo 104 4/4 Reggaeton 94 4/4 RockChaCha 120 4/4 RumbaFlamenco RumbaFlamenco2 106 4/4 RumbaIsland 128 4/4 Salsa 177 4/4 SalsaGranCiclon SambaReggae 95 4/4 SheriffReggae 90 4/4 SlowBossa 106 4/4 TangoFlamenco |
MOVIE&SHOW - 30 (22) Styles | ||
70sTVTheme 120 4/4 AniFantasy 128 4/4 AnimationBallad 77 4/4 BaroqueAir 69 4/4 Blockbuster 70 4/4 BroadwayBallad 60 4/4 ChristmasShuffle 179 4/4 ChristmasSwing 158 4/4 ChristmasWaltz 80 3/4 ClassicPianoBld 66 4/4 | EtherealMovie French50s 139 4/4 GreenFantasia 46 4/4 Moonlight6-8 50 4/4 MovieBallad 80 4/4 MovieDisco 108 4/4 MoviePanther 114 4/4 MovieSoundtrack 182 3/4 MovieSwing1 116 4/4 MovieSwing2 90 4/4 | OrchestralBolero 63 3/4 OrchestralMarch 112 4/4 PopClassics 124 4/4 RomanticBallet 72 4/4 SaturdayNight 108 4/4 Sci-fiMarch 120 4/4 SecretService 80 4/4 Showtune 135 4/4 TapDanceSwing 125 4/4 WildWest 150 4/4 |
POP&ROCK - 45 (34) Styles | ||
6-8Rock 91 4/4 60s8Beat 134 4/4 60sGuitarPop 126 4/4 60sPianoPop 116 4/4 60sPopRock 136 4/4 60sSuperGroup 60sVintagePop 132 4/4 60sVintageRock 142 4/4 70s8Beat 178 4/4 80sGuitarPop 117 4/4 80sPop 120 4/4 80sPopRock 120 4/4 80sPowerRock 121 4/4 80sSynthRock 96 4/4 8BeatModern 92 4/4 | 90sGuitarPop 100 4/4 90sRockBallad 61 4/4 AcousticRock 90 4/4 BritPop 86 4/4 BritPopSwing 110 4/4 BritRockPop 124 4/4 BubblegumPop 128 4/4 ChartGuitarPop 82 4/4 ChartPianoShfl 70 4/4 ChartRockShfl 78 4/4 Classic16Beat 99 4/4 Classic8Beat 103 4/4 ContempRock 126 4/4 ContempRockBld 72 4/4 Cool8Beat 100 4/4 | FunkPopRock 95 4/4 HardRock 120 4/4 JazzPop 102 4/4 KoolShuffle 100 4/4 Live8Beat 86 4/4 PowerRock 112 4/4 RetroSoul RockShuffle 121 4/4 ScandPopShuffle 146 4/4 SoftRock 75 4/4 StandardRock 110 4/4 Unplugged 120 4/4 Uptempo8Beat 129 4/4 VintageGtrPop 148 4/4 WestCoastPop 100 4/4 |
R&B - 35 (29) Styles | ||
6-8Soul 48 4/4 60sRock&Roll 164 4/4 70sChartSoul 108 4/4 BlueberryBlues 96 4/4 BluesRock 120 4/4 DetroitBeat DetroitPop1 172 4/4 DetroitPop2 150 4/4 FranklySoul 128 4/4 FunkPop GospelBrothers 108 4/4 GospelSisters 90 3/4 | GospelSwing 110 4/4 JazzFunk 120 4/4 KoolFunk 104 4/4 LiveSoulBand 129 4/4 LovelyShuffle 118 4/4 ModernShuffle 106 4/4 MotorCity 102 4/4 OldiesR&R 180 4/4 PianoBoogie 160 4/4 R&BBallad 86 4/4 Rock&Roll1 172 4/4 Rock&Roll2 176 4/4 | Rock&RollShfl 192 4/4 ShuffleBlues 115 4/4 Skiffle 188 4/4 SlowBlues 49 4/4 Soul 117 4/4 SoulBrothers 196 4/4 SouthernGospel 72 3/4 Twist 166 4/4 Worship6-8 62 4/4 WorshipFast 114 4/4 WorshipMed 140 4/4 WorshipSlow 75 4/4 |
SWING&JAZZ - 37 (30) Styles | ||
40sBigBand 82 4/4 AcousticJazz 152 4/4 AfroCuban 200 4/4 Bebop 230 4/4 BigBandFast1 180 4/4 BigBandFast2 185 4/4 BigBandShuffle 158 4/4 BigBandSwing Charleston 209 4/4 ClassicBigBand 120 4/4 CoolJazzBallad 70 4/4 CoolPianoJazz 120 4/4 CoolSwing Dixieland 205 4/4 | DreamyBallad 63 4/4 EasyListening 72 4/4 Five-Four 168 5/4 FrenchJazz 232 4/4 InstrumentalJazz 218 4/4 JazzClub 164 4/4 JazzGuitarClub 142 4/4 JazzWaltzFast 194 3/4 JazzWaltzMed 180 3/4 JazzWaltzSlow 110 3/4 JumpJive 200 4/4 MidnightSwing 82 4/4 ModBigBandBld 66 4/4 ModBigBandShfl 156 4/4 | ModernBigBand 128 4/4 ModernJazz 218 4/4 ModernJazzBld 61 4/4 MoonlightBallad 76 4/4 MORSwing 102 4/4 OrchBigBand1 144 4/4 OrchBigBand2 133 4/4 OrchestraSwing1 126 4/4 OrchestraSwing2 152 4/4 OrganCombo 175 4/4 OrganGroove 180 4/4 Ragtime 176 4/4 |
WORLD - 52 (43) Styles | ||
6-8March 120 4/4 ArabicEuro 140 4/4 Bhajan 107 4/4 Bhangra 160 4/4 BohemianWaltz 182 6/4 Duranguense 134 4/4 Flamenco 169 3/4 FrenchMusette 200 3/4 FrenchWaltz 196 3/4 GermanMarch 112 4/4 GermanWaltz 190 6/4 Grupera 163 4/4 Hawaiian 100 4/4 HighlandWaltz 90 3/4 HullyGully 126 4/4 IrishDance 94 4/4 IrishHymn1 70 3/4 IrishHymn2 56 4/4 | ItalianMazurka 143 3/4 ItalianPolka 125 4/4 ItalianWaltz 175 3/4 Jig 120 4/4 Jing Ju Jie Zou 106 4/4 Keroncong 110 4/4 Laff 90 4/4 MalfufFunk MariachiWaltz 170 3/4 ModCeltic4-4 ModCeltic6-8 ModernDangdut1 170 4/4 ModernDangdut2 108 4/4 Norteno 120 4/4 OberPolka 128 4/4 OberWalzer 190 3/4 OrientalPop 102 4/4 PopFlamenco 120 4/4 | Reel 118 4/4 Saeidy 120 4/4 SaeidyPop ScandWaltz 176 3/4 ScottishPolka 178 4/4 Sirtaki 137 4/4 SpanishPaso 122 4/4 Tarantella 136 4/4 TurkishEuro1 112 4/4 TurkishEuro2 120 4/4 USMarch 122 4/4 USMarchingBand WehdaSaghira 120 4/4 Xi Qing Luo Gu 136 4/4 ZitherPolka 114 4/4 Zouk 118 4/4 |
Hammer's Styles/Regs for the PSR-950/S750
Gig Disk Styles
(Nov 2012) Here are five sets of gig disks for the PSR-S950: (1) 20s and 30s song styles; (2) 50's song styles; (3) All country song styles; (4) All upbeat song styles; (5) PSR3000 setups for the S950 (I used these for years with my PSR3000 gigs). All these have OTS settings and should be playable on the S950 as is. There will be several more of these. There are duplications between the folders because these are the lists I use for gigs and some songs are in several folders. 33 styles | 95 styles | 50 styles | 46 styles | 259 styles | 38 styles |
Tyros 4 Styles
(Jan 2013) Here are some Tyros 4 styles setup to play on the S950. Not all Tyros 4 styles will play on the S950 due to voices on the T4 not found on the S950. I eliminated those styles and added or changed the OTS voices to fit the S950. I will do more as time allows.
Style Dangdut Koplo Yamaha Psr S950 Gratis 17 styles | 14 styles | 16 styles | 25 styles | T4Swing& 42 styles | 18 styles |
S950 Registrations
(Feb 2013) Here is a set of 3 registrations for the S950. Each bank contains 8 'song specific' setups. There are 24 songs total in the set.
Note: you will find these and other style sets from Deane Peters on Hammer's Gig Disk Page.
Onacimus' S950 Styles
S950 Christmas Styles Collection
This Christmas style collection for PSR S970 is drawn from the Standard, Super Mega, Super Mega Plus and Special collections for S970, which are available below. These styles may also be compatible with the T4, T5, C6, & C7 keyboards. There are 89 styles available in this file. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- Onacimus
S950 Standard Styles Collection
The Standard Styles collection for the PSR-S950 includes almost 1,300 styles. 'Standard' Collection means styles having many extraordinary voices (Sweet, Cool & Live) except Mega voices in tracks and OTS. The collection includes styles from ten keyboards: PSR-9000 and 9000Pro, PSR-740, PSR-2000, PSR-2100, PSR-1500, PSR-550, and CVP-109, CVP-209 and CVP210. It also includes Oriental Styles from the PSR-A1000. For this Collection, I picked styles from PSR-S910 Standard collection, added some more styles, and did slight voice editing.
01-Pop&Rock 115 styles | 02-Ballad 100 styles | 03-Dance 122 styles | 04-Swing&Jazz 112 styles |
05-R&B 106 styles | 06-Country 69 styles | 07 - Latin 103 styles | 08-Ballroom 75 styles |
09-Movie&Show 50 styles | 10-Entertainer 52 styles | 11-World1 75 styles | 12-World2[OR] 66 styles |
12-World2[OR] 62 styles | 13-Pianist 71 styles | 14-FreePlay 10 styles | 15-Ethnic 9 styles |
Oriental 90 styles | MS Excel |
S950 SuperMega Styles Collection
The nearly 1,300 styles in the 'Super Mega Styles collection' includes all SFF1 Mega styles from Tyros1, Tyros2, CVP-309, CVP-409, PSR-3000, PSR-S900 and PSR-S700. I also included Oriental Styles from PSR-OR700. The term 'Super Mega' means Super Articulation voices in OTS and Mega Voices in tracks. For this collection, I picked all Tyros1 styles as basic and added other styles if they were new and slightly different. I also did some slight revoicing. I put different icons for each style, mostly matching the original.
01-Pop&Rock 120 styles | 02-Ballad 105 styles | 03-Dance 108 styles | 04-Swing&Jazz 90 styles |
05-R&B 120 styles | 06-Country 65 styles | 07-Latin 100 styles | 08-Ballroom 70 styles |
09-Movie&Show 75 styles | 10-Entertainer 65 styles | 11-World1 100 styles | 12-World2-OR 80 styles |
13-World3-OR 66 styles | 14-Pianist 35 styles | 15-Oriental 98 styles | Excel |
S950 SuperMegaPlus Styles Collection
'Super Mega Plus' has Sweet, Live, and Cool voices (like Standard) as well as Super Articulation voices and Mega voices in tracks (like SuperMega) but SFF2 styles. Source keyboards include PSR-S650/S710/S910/S950/S975, TYROS3/4/5, CVP-509/609/709, Genos. I have also included Oriental Styles from PSR-A2000 and A3000.
01-Pop&Rock1 112 styles | 02-Pop&Rock2 125 styles | 03-Ballad1 112 styles | 04-Ballad2 99 styles |
05-Dance1 121 styles | 06-Dance2 117 styles | 07-Swing&Jazz1 97 styles | 08-Swing&Jazz2 70 styles |
09-R&B1 104 styles | 10-R&B2 94 styles | 11-Country 124 styles | 12-Latin1 100 styles |
13-Latin2 125 styles | 14-Ballroom 107 styles | 15-Movie&Show1 78 styles | 16-Movie&Show2 73 styles |
17-Entertainer1 99 styles | 18-Entertainer2 69 styles | 19-World1 89 styles | 20-World2 82 styles |
21-World3-OR 108 styles | 22-World4-OR 96 styles | 23-World5-OR 95 styles | Oriental1 80 styles |
Oriental2 84 styles | Ethnic 24 styles | Pianist 72 styles | Conv Audio 73 styles |
Conv Vocal 79 styles | Excel file |
Genos Styles for PSR-S950
(Jun 2018) 219 Genos styles have been converted for use with the S970. While converting GENOS styles, I played and checked all the styles one by one. I found many new styles in old names. For example Bluegrass, Country 8Beat1, ChaChaCha, etc. Many old styles are given in new names 9-8Waltz as FinalWaltz, 70'sChartCountry as TopChartCountry etc. Many new styles are given in new names (MoonWaltz, 80'sChristmas, AmbientChristmas, etc). I picked the new and slightly different styles and converted those styles. All the converted Genos styles are in the Super Mega Plus table above.
Style Dangdut Yamaha Psr S950 Gratis
S950 Special Style Collection
This style collection includes various Styles from Internet and Expansion Packs. I have updated all the styles and added many new styles in 11 categories. I have converted many Expansion styles. I have remaped the new kits by using the drumkits available in S970. These styles also can be used in TYROS3, 4, 5, CVP-509, 609, 709, S950 and S770. Some styles of Entertainer section need drum remaping in T3, C5 and S950. Because they have no 'HouseKit'. The voice selections are up to the standared of S770.
01-Pop&Rock 56 styles | 02-Ballad (42 styles | 03-Dance 74 styles | 04Swing&Jazz 22 styles |
05-R&B 55 styles | 06-Country 22 styles | 07-Latin 126 styles | 08-Ballroom 40 styles |
09-Movie&Show 62 styles | 10-Entertainer 143 styles | 11-World1 114 styles | 12-World2 129 styles |
13-Ethnic 105 styles | MS Excel |
S950 YEP Indian Style Collection
I made a separate YEP Indian style style collection for PSR-S950. The zip file includes the methodology iin a text file and the Program Change details in a Microsoft XL file. These 70 styles work properly in the Yamaha PSR-S950 only if the 'PSR-S950 Indian Pack.yep' is installed (the pack is available for purchase at the link provided).
I have additional YEP Indian styles for the S950. This Collection includes the YEP 'Indian2' Pack and Bonus styles of PSR-S650, PSR-S750 and PSR-S950. Also new 'Indian Devotional' and 'Indian Entertainer' packs of PSR-S950. These styles will work properly in PSR-S950 only while any one of the three packs (S950-Indian2 / IndianDevotional / IndianEntertainer) is installed.
Other Styles for the PSR-S950/S750
All of the styles that are available for the earlier Yamaha arranger keyboards can be played in the PSR-S950 and PSR-S750. These keyboards use the style format (SFF2) introduced with the Tyros3 and used in the S910 and the Tyros4 so styles from these keyboards can also be played in the S950. Of course, Tyros styles have three right-hand voices and the Right3 voice is ignored by the S950. Tyros4 styles may also use OTS voices that are unique to that keyboard and these voices would have to be replaced with suitable alternatives when used in the S950 and S750. All of the earlier SFF1 format styles should play just fine on the S950 and S750.
PSR-S950/S750/S650 Demos
Free Download Style Dangdut Yamaha Psr S950
PSR-S950/S750 Demos
- Yamaha PSR-750 Demo (5:26 - Jan '13)
- PSR-S650 Easy step to ultimate performance and Musical Integrity (3:28 - Jul '11)
Download Style Dangdut Yamaha Psr S950 Gratis
- Yuki Shimada presenting the PSR-S550 (8:35 - Nov '08)
- Yamaha S550 Tops (9:14 - Jun - '09 - Russian)
- Wind Melody Played on PSR-S550B (4:41 - Feb '09)
Expansion Pacs
Download Style Dangdut Keyboard Yamaha Psr S950 Gratis
- Entertainer Pack for PSR-S750/S950 - Styles (4:10), Voices (3:02).
- Yamaha S950 ChurchChristmas Pack: Styles (3:53), Voices (3:27)
- Yamaha Alpen Pack: Intro (2:26), Voices (3:19), Styles (2:30)
Yamaha PSR-S750 AND PSR-S950 Arranger Keyboards Offer Higher-End Features And Advanced Connectivity
Sep 24, 2012 – BUENA PARK, Calif. —Yamaha Keyboard Division announces the upcoming release of the PSR-S950 and PSR-S750 arranger keyboards. Available at authorized Yamaha dealers nationwide in September 2012, the instruments will also be featured in a special showcase event at Winter NAMM 2013. Featuring Super Articulation Voices, Styles and a number ofadvanced connectivity options, these arrangers now offer possibilities previously only found on higher-end Yamaha instruments, like the acclaimed Tyros4 arranger keyboard.
The PSR-S950 arranger keyboard debuts Audio Style technology, bringing the realism, nuance and character of live drums and percussion to Styles. Each Audio Style adds a track of tempo-synch'ed audio from drummers and percussionists around the world. It also features Vocal Harmony 2, a tool that augments singers' vocals with 3-part harmonies and effects using the newly added Mic/Line In capability. Additionally, the upgraded color screen on the S950 makes the interface clearer and easier to read, while a brushed metal data entry wheel allows for simpler programming.
'The PSR-S950 represents an evolutionary leap forward for the PSR line, offering sound innovation, vocal harmony features, pro-quality accompaniment features and comprehensive recording capabilities,' says Mark Anderson, Director of Marketing, Yamaha Keyboard Division. 'Audio Styles, just one of many remarkable new tools, give performances greater expressive potential by adding real audio drum and percussion parts to Yamaha's Guitar Enhanced Style engine, producing a natural feel, ambience and warmth. The PSR-S950 is a truly powerful addition to any musician's arsenal - whether they are playing live, writing a song or producing music.'
Both the PSR-S950 and PSR-S750 models feature highly expressive Super Articulation Voices and offer 'Real Distortion' DSP, which adds high-quality distortion and overdrive effects to instrument Voices like guitar and electric piano. The keyboards allow for the addition of Voices and Styles by loading Yamaha's ever-growing library of Voice and Style Expansions into the 64MB FlashROM. Players can also assign and trigger WAV audio with Yamaha's new Audio Link Multi-Pads, and a re-designed speaker box has extended lows along with a highly efficient digital amplifier and digital EQ to perfectly tailor the overall sound.
'The PSR-S750 provides Yamaha's outstanding Super Articulation Voice technology at a never before seen price,' says Nate Tschetter, Electronic Keyboard Product Manager, Yamaha Keyboard Division. 'With the built-in FlashROM for loading-in new Voice and Style Expansions, it truly is a world-class keyboard that grows with you.'
Originally introduced on the Tyros arranger keyboard, Super Articulation Voices enhance the sound of performances by adding instrument-specific nuances as you play the keyboard. Convenient connectivity options like USB TO HOST, USB TO DEVICE and audio line inputs and outputs allow players to use the PSR-S750 in a variety of exciting ways. The PSR-S950 features 1281 Voices, while the PSR-S750 has 1186 Voices.
The PSR-S750 (MSRP: $1,499) and the PSR-S950 (MSRP: $2,499) are now shipping.